Cenozoic" continues as Sheena, and her band of human and animal allies explore (literal) uncharted territories in a strange new land, filled with things unseen by human eyes - or otherwise! Living legend Steven De Souza and delivers the high-tech, high-adventure, pulp stylings of the original Queen of the Jungle! Sheena is Queen of all.
Artist Jethro Morales continues to illustrate the adventures of Sheena and returning cover artists Lucio Parillo, Arthur Suydam, Joseph Michael Linsner and stunning new cosplayer Jackie Goehner round out the most thrilling adventure comic on the racks!
Artist Jethro Morales continues to illustrate the adventures of Sheena and returning cover artists Lucio Parillo, Arthur Suydam, Joseph Michael Linsner and stunning new cosplayer Jackie Goehner round out the most thrilling adventure comic on the racks!
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